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Seeing your value through God’s eyes during the breaking.

Broken Rising Blog | 004

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One of the most common things that happens to every soul that goes through a wounding at the hands of a church leader is that somewhere in the journey they begin to see their value through the eyes of man instead of God. For some it’s just a blip, for others it becomes a lifelong battle with their spiritual identity in the light of the pain caused to them by a controlling abusive church leader. This happens for a number of reasons, but the most common is that the staff pastor or lay leader has placed at least some or all of their personal value in the opinion of their church leader. To say that your personal spiritual and emotional value should not be found in the opinions, assessment grid, and emotional swings of a person, even a beloved pastor, is an understatement. When you are going through a breaking under season, it’s vitally important that you shift the focus of your spiritual and emotional self-worth off of a person, and onto the person, Jesus. Abusive church leaders usually cultivate a church leadership culture that over-values assessment tools and too often uses a crooked ruler when evaluating success in others, and then assigns value (or non-value) to that person based on those broken standards. So, for those unfortunate enough to be sitting under one of these unhealthy leaders and look to their opinions to sustain them, it’s a recipe for emotional and spiritual disaster. It’s one of the mechanism’s that an abusive spiritual leader thrives upon, knowing that the one they abuse looks up to them on some level. So when the abuse inevitably happens, staff pastors and lay leaders are left in an emotional mess, with pain and unanswerable questions not just about the practical issues, but about who they are as a person, as a believer. Hurt, pain and wounding does its work when our self-worth is found in a leader who is abusive.

Unpacking this is difficult on a practical level because abusive leaders are really good at getting into the heads of those they lead, abusively. This is because of many reasons. Your leader may very well have many “yes men” around them, or people they haven’t abused because they haven’t gotten around to them yet who still support them publicly. All the while you have experienced the destructive side of that senior leader, and know the difference. Sometimes it’s a group of leaders in the church that does the breaking under on behalf of the abusive leader. No matter where it comes from, God sees the struggle you are going through, especially when a leader you serve is very charismatic and has build a group of fans at the local church level, or beyond, instead of building disciples of Jesus. However, you must learn to take your gaze off of that leader and put it back on Jesus, because His assessment of you, and His perspective of you, is the one that is the truth.

Abusive leaders thrive on controlling the way their followers look at themselves. Healthy Kingdom leaders want the people they serve to know who they are in Jesus and see themselves in the love of the Father.

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First, and most importantly, if you’ve been spiritually and emotionally abused by a church leader, you need to know that you are not what they said you are. During a breaking under an abusive spiritual leader uses words in an official, unofficial, and behind-the-back settings that are nothing more than bullets to the soul. Those words are not inspired of Heaven, they do not represent the perspective of Father God, and they are not prophetic towards your future – at all. In the eyes of Jesus, you are still loved, still called, still gifted, still eternally valued, still of eternal worth. First John 3:24 is one of those promises our hearts can hold to when faced with those who devalue us, Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. Abusive leaders thrive on controlling the way their followers look at themselves. Healthy Kingdom leaders want the people they serve to know who they are in Jesus and see themselves in the love of the Father. First and foremost, resolidify in your mind the absolute fact that you are a child of God and a disciple of the savior Jesus, that’s who you are. Next, move the gaze of your heart from the broken and ruined example of man, and gaze upon the Father, who sees you as He made you; A loved, valued, called, and gifted child of God that He will heal, and re-release into the work of God to partner in the gospel to heal the world.


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